Key features and benefits of the SuperMatrix include:
- Switches 16 inputs to any 16 outputs for unmatched design flexibility.
- SuperMatrix is a full non-blocking switching matrix.
- Integrated RS-232 and Infrared matrix offers unparalleled control.
- Switch signals from devices located up to 1,000 feet apart.
- HD compatible (720p, 1080i, 1080p).
- Supports high resolution video up to 1900x1200.
- Sends crystal clear stereo audio.
- Sends high-resolution VGA, stereo audio, RS232 or IR over a single twisted pair cable.
- Compatible with Video Composite, S-Video, Component and XVGA interface.
- Increases productivity by providing access to 16 computers from 16 workstations.
- Can be controlled via software interface, remote control, Internet or RS/232.
- Full RS-232 Matrix
- One of the key features of the SuperMatrix is the integrated RS-232 matrix. With RS-232 you can;
- Remotely power on and off all of the connected display devices.
- Send commands such as video schedules or input source.
- Reporting.
- Enable touch-screen displays to send and receive data.
- Interrupt displays with Alerts and urgent messages.
- Controlling the Matrix
- Another key feature is its capacity to support multiple control interfaces;
- Control via RS-232 using SmartControl; our Windows based Software included with the system.
- SuperMatrix also allows multiple users to access the matrix from anywhere in the world using our http interface.
- You can also use a remote control through an Infrared connection.